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The best Twitter reactions to the Sochi 2014 Opening Ceremony

From broken rings to dancing beards and lads in ludicrous shorts the Opening Ceremony certainly captivated the online community.

THE 2014 WINTER Olympics officially kicked off this afternoon with a marathon opening ceremony.

Twitter was watching carefully as events unfolded and narrated the whole thing in its own delightful way.

Things got off to a flying start when one of the Olympic rings malfunctioned.

Leading some to declare the whole thing a write off before it has even really started.

Others to wonder what they were really watching.

And a select few to express their hopes for a spectacular finale.

Meanwhile, this lad was waiting for one very important delegation to arrive.

There was some chatter about the severe lack of competitors from certain nations.

And the vast numbers representing others.

It wasn’t long before the lovely ladies leading them out captured everyone’s attention though.

And of course, there was plenty of talk about the athletes’ outfits.

The Irish uniforms also caught Twitter’s eye when they FINALLY appeared.

Source: Screengrab via BBC

As did the flag bearer.

Source: Screengrab via BBC

For all the wrong reasons.

IOC President Hickey thought he did a fine job though.

Source: Screengrab via BBC

And sure nobody else was finding it THAT easy either.

The hilarity of the musical choices were not lost on the avid tweeters.

And they really weren’t feeling the giant mascots either.

Nobody really knew what to say when the giant dancing bears and vases appeared and the whole Russian history lesson thing didn’t exactly go down a storm.

But sure didn’t they think the little girl was just lovely and find the whole thing utterly bizarre.

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